The new school year always causes me to reflect on (and get excited about) school supplies. What do I need to replace? Anything new I want to try? What can I easily order off Amazon? I thought I’d share my must have items in my high school classroom.
These are the things I cannot live without and use every day:
This post includes affiliate links for the things I love and use every day.
Multi Phone charger port for students.
I have a charging station in the corner of my room for student phones and devices. My students appreciate this small area so much. Mine has 12 ports, but I wish I had the one linked here with 24 ports. I require students to bring their own cord. Do you need a quick and easy cell phone policy?
Paper sorter for weekly copies
I teach in a classroom with limited Wi-Fi. We are surrounded by cinder block walls and it’s always a struggle to get online. So, I have to be prepared with a class set of paper handouts in case the internet is being a pain. This sorter saves me daily. I try to stay about a week ahead on any copies I make, so keep them here until I’m ready to use them.
Mini Refrigerator
If you can get one used or free from a friend – bonus! Our refrigerator in our teacher’s lounge is CRAZY full every day. I like having my own in my classroom.
Colored tape
We use this all the time! We use it to tape up gallery walk activities and to mark the floor for certain activities.
Personal laminator
Another one of my must-have items! I use it for classroom signs and group instructions that I use over an over.
Sheet Protectors
I use these for EVERYTHING! I love making a class set of something and just using sheet protectors to keep them clean. Sheet protectors work great for review games like Bingo. Students can use dry erase markers on them easily! They are easy to wipe off.
Ink Joy Pens
Because they make me happy! Enough said!
Post it notes
All sizes. I can’t live without them.
Linbsunne Ballpoint Pens – CHEAP and AWESOME
A friend of mine turned me on to these awesome pens. They are cheap and a DREAM to write with!
Stainless Steel water bottle – Simple Modern
I’m a simple modern water bottle girl. It doesn’t spill, the lid goes on easily and I like the handle.
My 4theloveofpi planner

I’m a paper planner snob. I love them, but I’m super picky. I love this one for several reasons: It’s customizable and it’s vertical. As a secondary teacher, I don’t need extra inserts like “classroom helpers.” She has a basic one that allows you to pick how many subjects you teach! The paper quality is awesome and I just love it. Also, she is a teacher turned planner creator. She knows what we need!
What are your must have supplies for the classroom?