US History STAAR. Standardized tests. End of course exams. Whatever you call them, those pesky standardized tests seem to haunt us all year long! There is always a lot to teach and little time to do so. That’s why for US History STAAR review, we spend all year spiraling content.
Having dedicated review time before the test is often limited these days, especially since Texas keeps moving the test dates. Through spiraling content, we are reviewing all year long. Of course, this not only helps students with the exam, but helps them retain content in general.
So how do I spiral in review throughout the year?
There are a few “rules” that I follow that make this process easier.
1. Make Use of Down Time
If you finish a lesson 10 minutes early, take advantage of that time to review. A game that I always have at my fingertips is Give a Clue. This US History STAAR Review game involves zero prep and is perfect for both early and modern US History. Simply display the slide up on your projector, tell students to stand up, and play.
For this game, students will partner up. One student stands with their back to the screen and the other faces the screen. The student facing the screen gives clues to their partner and the partner tries to guess the term, person, or event based on the clues.
2. Bell Ringers to Review for US History STAAR
When it comes to reviewing, bell ringers are the real MVP. It’s an easy way to spiral and review content daily. I like to use hands-on reviews when I can, so one of my favorites is Cause and Effect Cards. Certain days, I will put a baggie with these cards on my students desks. They will work on the cause and effect cards while I take attendance. By reviewing content we learned earlier in the school year a few months after the fact, it keeps the content fresh in the brains of students.
3. Brain Break
If you teach on a block schedule, you have a little more leeway with longer class periods. This can be a big advantage with your US History STAAR review. Chunk up the class and take a brain break with a review game. I like to play a game like review Bingo for 15 minutes over a topic we covered months ago. I keep Jolly Ranchers handy for the winners – students will go to great lengths for a Jolly Rancher!
4. Make the Most of those “Messed up Schedule Days”
You know those weird wonky days when you’re thinking…what am I going to teach?! Maybe it’s an early release day, pep rally, or students getting pulled for the PSAT/ACT/SAT. We all want to make this day a movie day (it’s so tempting), but I’m here to tell you that using those days for extra review will make a difference! Play Jenga or Cup Stacking Races and have some fun reviewing!
5. Be Intentional with US History STAAR Review
It’s easy to get lost in the review. It all seems important, why not review it all? Or you completely forget to review a topic. There seems to be no in between! When it comes to US History STAAR review, take your YAG or standards – and make some decisions. Which ones do students struggle with the most? Which show up most often on tests?
When you have time to review, keep a running list of what topics you have spiraled in throughout the year, so you know what you have covered. Experienced teachers know that half the struggle with an end of the year test is that students tend to forget content they learned in August. By keeping track of what you have reviewed, you can fill gaps as you approach your test date.
Spiraled review is really the key to success when you have limited time for US History STAAR review! How do you approach reviewing throughout the year? I’d love to hear from you!
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