Welcome! I’m Elizabeth, the creator behind Active History Teacher. After teaching 8th grade US History for 16 years, I’m now teaching high school US History in Texas. When I’m not teaching or creating resources, you can find me reading, cooking or planning my next vacation. I am passionate about making memories and traveling the world. I have a slight addiction to coffee, turquoise jewelry and anything with peanut butter!
I believe in balance in the classroom. Yes, we need students to think critically and be able to analyze primary sources, but I am a firm believer that kids are kids. They need fun, engaging activities that are memorable. They need classes to look forward to each day.
History teachers are storytellers. All the rigor, data and standards in the world are fine, but I want my students to love and appreciate history when they leave my classroom. I want them to visit places like Pearl Harbor, Gettysburg, Philadelphia and Boston and remember my classroom when they get there.
As a history teacher who faces a standardized test (STAAR in Texas) every May, I know first-hand the pressures of preparing students. We are expected to teach a million standards and by the end of the year, students forget many of them. My students have always been extremely successful on their US History standardized test and I work extremely hard to get them there.
If you are like me, time is the real issue. That’s where I come in. I love helping teachers create memorable lessons and review activities to use throughout the school year. My goal is to save you time and energy so you can connect with your students and be the class your students look forward to every day.
If you are looking for something new and engaging to help your students be successful, you are in the right place.
I’m so glad you are here!